In such a big school it takes a lot longer to feel like you are settle in, but I have arrived at that point. My teaching job as a 6th grade science teacher is an excellent adventure with lots of sought after challenges and successes. There is still a steep learning curve, but not anything like last year! This is the best teaching post I have ever had in a long career of excellent teaching posts. So grateful for the opportunity to be in Indonesia and teach at JIS.
My apartment too, I've settled in and finally its decorated. It is my first experience decorating from scratch and I like it for now. I look forward to my second opportunity to create a home environment. Tomorrow I'll post a few photos of my apartment. You can compare them to the earlier posts last year and decide for yourself how well I did. My daughters think it needs more color. I agree.
Oh, and I forgot to say that being an international teacher is only for the hardy and resilient. Teaching in developing countries is not for the faint of heart. Check out the CDC Indonesia (Center for Disease Control) and the USGS for some highlights. My biggest problem has been many types of bites while I've been sleeping, but after the owner closed up the vents, screened the windows, and the school brought in an exterminator, I feel that I won the bite battle. There are lots of blood suckers here!